August slipped past me faster the July ever did. It just seems unreal that the older I get the faster the days slip on by. It seems like last week I posted my latest blog and here it is already September. And I never even posted anything in August aahhhh I missed a whole month. Life is slipping by me way too fast. I even started Christmas shopping yes I said it the dreaded Christmas shopping has started. I have not got much done granted, but I am determined to have the majority of my shopping done before December gets here. Which is hard since we never know when and for how long we will have our foster placements. But either way I will have my Christmas shopping done before the week before Christmas.
The twins got to go home right before school started here about the middle of August. It really was a bitter sweet event. But I was glad to see that they were able to go back with their parents. It was a tough situation for those boys who loved their parents so much but started to get attached to us. The plus side is that we still get to see them every once in a while. Their mother and aunt had joined us a couple times at church before they went home, and still decided to join us after they returned! It is nice when we are still able to stay in contact with our previous placements.
The twins got to go home right before school started here about the middle of August. It really was a bitter sweet event. But I was glad to see that they were able to go back with their parents. It was a tough situation for those boys who loved their parents so much but started to get attached to us. The plus side is that we still get to see them every once in a while. Their mother and aunt had joined us a couple times at church before they went home, and still decided to join us after they returned! It is nice when we are still able to stay in contact with our previous placements.
We didn't really get any our time from the twins leaving us and getting our new little house guest. The reason being we welcomed a friend and her 3 yep 3 kids ages 15, 7 and 4 into our house for a few weeks until they found their own place and all. They officially moved out this past Sunday and to say that it was an interesting experience is to say the least. It is not that we did not want them here it is just that you get use to your own space and way of doing things and then when people come in and stay for extended periods of time it gets a little awkward at best. And then while they were still with us we got a new house guest, little miss S or as most people refer to her as Little miss Cindy Lou Who.
She is our first infant placement and first girl placement. It has been an interesting couple of weeks with her in the house. I babysit for a 17 month old boy so the whole baby thing is not that big of a deal for me, but by 4:30 he and his sister go home. To have a baby in the house ALL day and night long is way different than from having one in the house from 7:30-4:30. Little miss S really isn't that bad for a 15 month old little girl that has been placed in a strangers home. It did take her a good week to warm up to HIM though. She did not want anything to do with any male for the first couple of days with us, but she is so over that now. HIM is her buddy now which I am oh so thankful for. It means I can go to the bathroom without having a crying baby banging on the door. Oh the little things in life that we find joy in huh. I have always heard moms talk about how going to the bathroom in peace would be nice but never really understood what they meant until our first week with Little miss S. Now boy do I ever!!! All in all Little miss S is a sweet little girl, she sleeps through the night for the most part, and she is pretty independent. But boy does she like to throw her fits! Whew they are enough to drive a person crazy at times.I just have to give us both a time out and collect myself.