So on last Saturday Him and Her got up super early and headed out with the Hose's for our second annual Covered Bridge Festival excursions. Last year we were joined by the Denning's who were not able to join us this year due to their new little addition miss Adelae Elizabeth. So it was just the four of us since we got a sitter for Little miss S, and boy did we have a good time. Even thought we live in Indiana, we are still in a different time zone
than the festival so I had to get up around 5 am so that I could get me and
Little miss S ready. Most people that I have talked to, say that the CBF is a "chick" thing and they are surprised that HIM even wants to go. But we all have so much fun I think the guys get just as excited about going as us "chicks" do. The food is probably the best and the worst part of the whole experience. Best because there is so many different and delicious foods to eat and samples everywhere. And the worst because you totally blow your diet out the window and gain about ten pounds even with all the walking that you do all day.

We started the day off at the Bridgeton festival and spent several hours there before we headed on the back roads to the Mansfield festival. Bridgeton is a lot smaller than Mansfield and a lot less crowded, but still just as fun. We got the most delicious fudge and roasted nuts from Bridgeton. Both places gave out as many samples as we wanted and were so very nice we couldn't just not buy from them. When we were at the nut booth, I had like 6 different kinds in my hand and he was still giving us more. HER bought honey roasted cashews and HIM got the white chocolate roasted almonds. HER's are gone already, they were just too good. The fudge was pretty much the same they were like have as many samples as you want, they had so many good flavors but I just couldn't decided so I went the safe and got chocolate peanut butter but HIM got chocolate mint. And that is all we bought at Bridgeton, there was a couple items that we would have bought but the sales people were really rude so I just walked away. I mean really your goal is to make a sale and you want to be a jerk then I will keep my money safe in my pocket and walk away. And I did right in the middle of their pitch and all I just left.

At Mansfield I got my apple dumpling which I wanted so bad last year and never got one so the first thing I did when we got there was buy one. And it was sooo good!! But the best thing about Mansfield was the fresh warm homemade Amish pretzels. They were the best thing by far I could have ate three of them but I contained myself and shared the ONE with HIM. The only thing we ended up buying at Mansfield was a hat for Little miss S. There was so much that I should've and could've have bought for Christmas gifts and all, but I kept second guessing myself. That or I didn't want to carry it all day so I said I would get it on the way out and forgot. But that's okay we had a blast even with our minimal purchases. The Hose's on the other had now they got a deal on this huge block of Amish butter cheese all because it was closing time and they wanted to make a sale. Heather loves cheese and was so excited about their purchase!!!

The weather was pretty much great the whole day. It was not too windy, a little cloudy, but that kept it from getting too warm. There was about a ten minute rain shower around 4 o'clock but it wasn't too bad and thankfully didn't make things too muddy. We stayed there until about 6 o'clock their time and then headed out taking the back roads again to avoid the crazy two mile an hour traffic. On the way home we stopped in Terra Haute for some dinner at Fridays and I had the best salad yep it was the bomb. We made it back to our house around 8:45 our time.