We normally go to my in-laws for the Thanksgiving since Him's birthday is on the 28th. But this year we weren't sure if we would be able to go since we have Little miss S. What with having to have the courts approval to take her out of state and all. Which we finally got right at the last minute!! I wasn't too worried about the 3-4 hour drive,I figured Little miss S would just sleep most of the way there. That was until we were asked to take one of our nephews with us. And guess what happened....Neither of them slept. And let me tell ya it is not a good thing when Little miss S doesn't get her nap. She gets very goofy, whiney and very sassy. But luck was on our side, Little miss S was in a good mood and did really good meeting HIM's family. I was nervous since she doesn't do well with men sometimes but for the most part she was good with everyone. She latched onto my mother in-law following her around all the time. And she slept good too. It is always hard to know how she is going to react to things since we have only had her since August. Also this is the first trip that we took with her so we were in a whole new ball game and anything was possible.
We went there on Wednesday and came back on Friday. Yes it was a short visit, but that is really all that we were able to do with work, school and all. But the best part of traveling on Black Friday is that there are so few people driving on the interstates and highways. They are all either driving to and from the stores or sleeping off their late night shopping. Which makes for a perfect day for the 3-4 hour drive. We did have better luck with her sleeping on the way home YAH us. But we also didn't have our nephew with us on the way back either. But our day was not over when we got home. HIM stayed home to work on homework while HER and Little miss S went to E-Ville for a little bit of shopping for HIM's birthday.
For HIM's birthday, this year I wanted to make it a special one since it was his 30th birthday. But he didn't want anything big or a surprise party or anything like that so I was a little at lost for what to do. So after a LOT of thinking and brainstorming with the hubby, we came up with a very good plan for his 30th party. We invited only 8 of our closest friends and asked that no presents to be brought. I cooked HIM's favorite meal and baked his favorite cakes. I even made up an about David quiz. We had a nice meal with some great fellowship. Followed by the cake and the quiz. Then we had a surprise for our guests, one that we hope has blessed them just as much as it has blessed us. We presented each of our guests with a gift to hold on to. Then HIM got up front and addressed each guest personally with a little something that we admire about them and why we are thankful to have them in our lives. Along with a scripture or a quote that we felt fit their personalities. When HIM addressed the last person we asked them to open the gifts. Ones that we took special care to pick just for them. They also were given the slip of paper that HIM read to them as well.
After all of that then HIM got to open his gifts, even though he asked for none to be brought they guest still gave him a little something.
We don't live close to our families, and these 8 people invited to the party have truly become family to us. HER family lives in Illinois while the majority of HIM's family is in Missouri. The distance does make it a little complicated to have a close relationship with our families. But we are truly blessed that God has brought some amazing people into our lives here in Indiana. And it was our pleasure to be able to honor them in the small way that we did.
Oh and HER really got some bonus points from HIM when we all went to out basement to reveal one of the gifts I got for him. So HIM has been wanting a punching bag for I don't know how long. He drops hints left and right about them. Which is a good thing because I am horrible at picking up on hints. I tell everyone I am like a guy because it could be the biggest slap you in the face type of hint and it would go right over my head. So I just tell HIM that if him wants something you need to drop repeated hints or just flat out tell me. Because if not I will not get it. But anyways I did get this ONE (or a thousand of the same hints on punching bags) and HIM was so excited for it!