Tuesday, June 11, 2013

"Little miss S" is 2!

We have a 2 year old in the house now and boy oh boy do we ALL know it too. "Little miss S" had her 2nd birthday on Monday the 10th, and she decided to let the babysitter know all about the terrible two's with an hour long fit during nap time. Poor Hannah she got the full brunt the mess that we call Little miss S. Though her birthday was on the 10th, we had a small party for her on Saturday the 8th. We invited a few friends and some of our church family, and had a little cookout. It was nothing too big or special like these pinterest parties you see these days, but oh did she have fun! Running around out side and showing off for everyone there. 

Most of her gifts were in gift bags and easy for her to dig into, all but one. And that one she wasn't quite sure what to do with it so I helped her rip a side open and instead of continuing to rip it the rest of the way she just shoved her head in the hole to check out what was in there. And the reached in to pull out some clothes and proceeded to try and put them on. I had to be the one to take the paper off of the rest of the gift. She loved all of her presents and have played with them non-stop since Saturday. At least the ones she is able to play with. 

Little miss S and her buddy Asher
For our main gift to her we got a kiddie pool, and some of the guest got her pool attire and toys. So for those items, she has not been able to play with since Saturday with our weather being as crazy as it has been. But she loved them while she was out in them after her nap on Saturday. And by the time we were all said and done, the boys were soaked from head to toe....I may have helped "Little miss S" out a bit with the water hose....

As for my first kids party, I think it was a success! Especially since it was put together in about a weeks time. I am just blessed that God has allowed us to celebrate her 2nd birthday with her!