Wednesday, November 14, 2012

3 Day (Military) Diet

Okay so I have been trying to lose weight for a little over a year now. And in the beginning I did really good losing around 30 pounds. Yeah for me right, I was so excited. But then I put back on a few pounds and have been hanging out around the 188 - 186 mark. Yikes!!! I so can not believe I am announcing my weight for all the world to see. It is more than a little terrifying. But in the spirit of full disclosure I feel I must be honest about my weight. Anyways, the word DIET makes me (like most people) totally cringe. The thought of not being able to eat the foods I like or feeling like I am starving all day does not sound very appealing. So while I was browsing pinterest one day I came across a pin that said

"3-day military diet. apparently you can lose up to ten lbs. in 3 days, with this special diet."

I was like yeah right, 10 pounds in 3 days, that's only possible if I starve myself. I am so not willing to do that I may be overweight but I refuse to starve myself. But to say that this pin didn't intrigue me would be a lie. So I opened up the link and started reading about this so called miracle diet. And to my surprise it seems legit with the best part being you eat a good amount of food too. Yeah to no starving!!! As I was reading the allowed foods I was surprised when I got to the dinner list and saw Vanilla Ice Cream listed yes you read that right Vanilla Ice Cream is allowed in this diet. By now I am sold! Below is what I ate and the above link has where I found it and how it breaks everything down. I followed the program pretty close any additions or changes are listed and explained.

DAY 1: start weight 186.6

Breakfast - 1/2 Grapefruit (with splenda), 1 Slice of Toast (35 calorie white bread) with 2 Tablespoons of Peanut Butter (crunchy), and Coffee (with splenda) you can have tea.

Lunch - 1/2 Cup of Tuna (single serving package, the lemon pepper seasoning), 1 slices of bread (35 calorie white bread), and Tea (Green Tea Tropical by Mighty Leaf)

  • The single serving size packages are only 2.6 ounces so instead of having two packages, I supplemented with 15 almonds. I also added a tiny bit of light mayo with the tuna along with a Diet Mtn. Dew. 
  • You can also have coffee instead of the tea. Also any variety of tea is okay as long as it is caffeinated. 
    • When I say tiny bit of light mayo I mean tiny. Think an orange leaf spoon scoop. But not the heaping scoops like you would do with the frozen yogurt when you first get it. But the tiny scoops that you do when you are almost done to savor every last bit of the orange leaf goodness that you concocted. (I am almost drooling thinking about all that goodness yum) Anyways just enough mayo to make the tuna stick a little creamy. 
Dinner - 3 ounces Chicken breast lightly seasoned (salt, pepper and a lemon juice), 1 Cup of Green Beans (simmered in chicken broth with salt pepper, garlic and onion flakes), 1/2 Banana, 1 Small Apple, and 1 Cup of Vanilla Ice Cream (YUM)!!!
  • I cored then baked the apple with splenda and cinnamon then topped it with the Vanilla Ice Cream. We had this as a snack a little after dinner not with dinner (not sure if that will matter) 
  • And I didn't even have the whole cup of Ice Cream either, I just wasn't that hungry and so I did a little over a half a cup. 

So here I am at the end of day one and still not 100% sold on this whole lose 10 pounds in 3 days thing. But I guess we will let the results speak for themselves on Saturday morning. Even if I lose a few pounds, and this helps get me over the hump that I have been battling since July then I am okay with it.

And sorry for not having pictures from the whole day I didn't even think about it until I was almost done preparing the apples as you can see. But seriously they were so so good.

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