So if has been WAY too long since my last post. I have started like 5 of them but then never can seem to find the words to finish them. But I am not going to let that happen anymore (fingers crossed). Ok so last week Little miss S was running a fever and had not been acting herself. At first I just thought she was teething and didn't think too much about it. Until Thursday when her fever spiked on our way home from the babysitters. She had the chills and just looked so darn pathetic sitting in HIMS lap just a shivering. So I got her into an after-hours clinic just to make sure she wasn't coming down with something contagious or an ear infection or whatever. I really had no idea since this is the first time she has been like this since we have had her THANK GOD!
Anyways now picture this tiny 22 lb blond hair blue eye little girl with the saddest most pathetic sick look on her face sitting in the doctors office. She was excited about the fish tank for like 10 minutes and then she just wanted to "nuggle" (snuggle) me and her night-night (her blanket). You are probably think awe she says "nuggle" for snuggle but that there is nothing unusual about that at all right? Well it is what she wanted to me to do next that makes this post worth it.
But I want you to ask yourself if you have ever thought you were too young, too old or not qualified to share Gods love publicly? Sure you have, if we are honest with ourselves we have all struggled with this or continually struggle with it. I know I do. But sometime I feel that I am over thinking things too much. I worry about when, how and what I say. When in reality the old adage your actions speak louder than your words has never been more true when it comes to Christians. We can speak the most eloquent words but our actions and attitudes betray us time and time again.
Well back to Little miss S, after she got all situated and "nuggled" in on my lap she started to sing "Jesus, Jesus". Now when we first got her we went to a Walk to Emmaus event and there was this song that we sang several times throughout the night. And ever since that has been her go comfort song. So it was no big deal for this little not yet 2 year old to sing to Jesus as she is rocking back and forth on my lap. AND then to look at me and say "mommy a Jesus" meaning she wants me to sing to her her Jesus song. So like I would at home I rock with her and sing her Jesus song to her.
Which is still no big deal right? Well for one we were not alone in the waiting room. There was a mom with her teenage daughter there watching us interacting and us singing Little miss S's Jesus song the whole time. As well as others who came in a little later. After wards I was thinking how natural it was for us to sit there "nuggleing" and singing that song. And what must that mom and daughter think about us. It was so natural for Little miss S to let her Jesus song comfort and show the world around her by actions and words how much she loved Jesus. AND she is not yet 2, how awesome is that.
I know for me too often I don't think about how my attitude towards things or situations damages my Christian witness. Or how many times have I passed up an opportunity to show my love for my God for any number of reasons. All of which sound so legit in your head but so hollow when spoken out loud. I pray that all reading this (myself) included can learn for Little miss S and other children like her who find it so natural to go to God no matter where they are or who they are around.
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